I cast like I’m on a training session. I set my rigs like I don’t care. I set up in 5 mins from the off. I can find a spot to fish in 1 minute flat. I can tie dozens rigs on the bank in seconds from memory. I can fish every method with ease. I catch Carp for fun. Maybe, and some of the rumours are exaggerated! But I have been Grafting for 33 Years now. Fishing every week, week in and week out since the early 1980’s
The Negatives Angling has gotten me; Divorced. Separated several times. A part time Dad. Single on numerous occasions. However, I decided that Carp Angling was more important to me than anything else in my world. So I decided to fish 3 days a week, every week, every month from way back when. If you are fishing at this pace, every week, week in week out, then of course you get to master every method. So yes, I can make it look very easy. But I train 3 days a week, every week, like a boxer. Q. How baldly do you want it?? Tight Lines.
People Tell Me I Make It Look Effortless
© Crafty Carp 2025